KNOW MY NAME by Chanel Miller


KNOW MY NAME by Chanel Miller

I remember exactly where I was when news of the Stanford sexual assault broke nationwide. I was in my final semester of college, surrounded by people who lived privileged, untouchable lives, not unlike Brock Turner. I was angry—so angry—at the news coverage and emphasis on Brock’s actions in a swimming pool rather than on his actions the night of January 18, 2015. ⠀

I hate that I’m starting this review by mentioning Brock Turner’s name before Chanel’s. But I did this because it tracks exactly how this story unfolded before my eyes, and the rest of the nation’s eyes, in 2015 and 2016. This was all about Brock. And that’s a *insert all the profanities here* shame. From my little town in Rhode Island, I heard all about Brock’s accolades and very little about his actions behind that dumpster. And I knew even less about the “unconscious, intoxicated woman” whom he assaulted.⠀

With this book, Chanel has reclaimed her narrative. This is HER STORY. Not what the media wants to show us. Not how Brock wants to spin it. Not how strangers writing in the comment sections on articles want to talk about it. This is about Chanel and her brave, courageous, and graceful voice. She writes masterfully, capturing her in-real-time emotions over the years. Putting into words and on paper the harrowing experience rape and sexual assault victims go through. This is a HARD read—all the content warnings—but this is her story. And one I’m so so honored to have read. ⠀

I wake up today with a little more knowledge and a little less naivety than I had before. I’m honored to know Chanel’s name and her plight. And I won’t ever forget her.


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