
Hi! Hello! Welcome! Today is my official blog launch! You may be thinking — but Ashley, there are already some posts up? Yes, this is true. My blog has officially been done since May and I’ve put up a few posts here and there. But I held off sharing it with the world until NOW!

Why? A lot of reasons, but I think the biggest one was self-doubt. It isn’t perfect. There is more I want to do, more I wanted to say before getting vulnerable and showing a piece of my heart with all of you. But the past few weeks have been challenging for me for a variety of reasons, and they pushed me to realize that this blog will never be perfect. I will never be perfect. I will make mistakes and typos. I’ll mess up a photo or misalign a caption. But I’m proud of this little spot on the Internet that is entirely mine. And I hope you enjoy it!

On this website, you’ll find all my book reviews. You’ll find links to my current reads from different independent bookstores. I will try to rotate these out every few books so that I have the opportunity to showcase independent bookstores across the country. You’ll find other bookish content, like my reading journal prompts (and maybe even some free downloads!). You may also find some non-bookish, regular life content. Whatever you find here, I want you to know that it was put here with love and a desire to make the book world better.

with love,



Why You Always in the Mood [Board]?


Welcome to Bookstagram! Now What?